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24 donacione në 2050 ditë
How cool would it be to study in Paris France for a month?
I have recently been accepted to the CIEE Global Navigator High School Travel Abroad program to study in Paris, France. I'll be able to learn about French culture and improve my French language skills. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for me and it would jumpstart my career as I pursue teaching english in foreign lands.
I have been working extremely hard while in high school maintaining a 4.0 GPA, being actively involved in NHS and Cross Country, as well as working a steady job at CycleBar.
The tuition for this program is $6,800 plus airfare. This tuition includes all of my language lessons, cultural classes, excursions, housing, and meals... for the whole month! My program tuition is due by April 11, 2019.
Would it be possible for you to assist me in reaching this goal?
Any contribution would be greatly appreciated.
Jadyn Foster
I have recently been accepted to the CIEE Global Navigator High School Travel Abroad program to study in Paris, France. I'll be able to learn about French culture and improve my French language skills. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for me and it would jumpstart my career as I pursue teaching english in foreign lands.
I have been working extremely hard while in high school maintaining a 4.0 GPA, being actively involved in NHS and Cross Country, as well as working a steady job at CycleBar.
The tuition for this program is $6,800 plus airfare. This tuition includes all of my language lessons, cultural classes, excursions, housing, and meals... for the whole month! My program tuition is due by April 11, 2019.
Would it be possible for you to assist me in reaching this goal?
Any contribution would be greatly appreciated.
Jadyn Foster
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